Ways to increase Instagram followers
There are several ways which we can use to gain Instagram followers but we should consider the best ones to give us real followers. There are real followers who are active and fake followers who are not active and dealing with them will be a waste of time. Don’t just gain followers because you need them, always ensure you gain real followers who can comment, like or even share your contents on Instagram? Before you start getting Instagram followers first have a plan and strategies why you need to increase your Instagram followers. Here in this article, are some ways that can help you get to get real Instagram followers instead of having to buy Instagram followers.
Optimize your Instagram account
Your Instagram account bio should be something that attracts traffic. Make your profile bright by placing good quality pictures, captions image, proper username that is simple and profile image. These being optimized will serve as you brand identity on Instagram. Ensure that you give a unique link that can drive Instagram traffic to your brand. Always keep your username closer to the name of your brand for easy search byInstagram users. This helps you in starting of your brand visibility and credibility. Optimizing your account attracts traffic and some companies can also come in to higher you as their brand marketing depending with how you present yourself starting from your bio, profile and the contents you keep posting. Be smart and strategic in your contents, you never know who is watching after you.
Keep a consistent content
Have your posting schedule on Instagram to keep those people who followed you at first. Some followers may even forget they had followed you, if you are not active and consistent in posting your content. Marketers should at least post thrice a day but not many posts to avoid being spammed. Do your own researches so that you get to know the right time to post your contents or specific time to post certain topics that you want to tackle. Then you should keep it consistent, if it is morning hours then make sure you stick to it. Content that you post in your Instagram account should be something that makes your followers happy. By posting what followers like most then it will attract traffic of followers to your brand. Post them at the right time to increase your overall engagement.
Avoid fake Instagram followers.
Always ensure that you get real Instagram followers who can help you grow your brand or businesses. Real Instagram followers are always active in that they like, comment and even share your content. You have to also participate by responding to their comments and answer their questions on time. You don’t really have to wait for them to start; you can simply start by complementing on their post then keep the conversation going. Most accounts of fake followers tend to deceive a new follower which lowers the brand credibility. It is always important to build strong and lasting relationship with followers to keep them active.